#CreateforClimateSG winners with jury members and SGEFF team at 3 November awards ceremony. The 1st place works. The winners of the Create for Climate Singapore youth art competition were announced at a full-house awards ceremony at the ArtScience Museum, in partnership with the Singapore Eco Film Festival, on Saturday 3 November 2018. The winners selected by the competition jury are: Joint 1st Place Dhruv Vivek Sharma (13) and Vihaan Kumar (13), "Let's Push the Change" Koh Hui Xin, Carolyn (18), "Gaia Rising" Joint 2nd Place Bian Siyuan, Philippe Madrid Israel and Chan Lok Yong (all 17), "Journey Beyond Pollution" Siobhan Wong Jia Jia (23), Untitled Joint 3rd Place Aanya Rao (13), Untitled Ong Wueng Ling (17), Untitled The artworks of the winners can be viewed along their short- and long-listed peers in the Create for Climate SG online gallery . Warm congratulations and thanks to all who participated!
The Create for Climate youth art competition invited Singaporean residents aged 12-25 to creatively envision our society’s swift, just transition to a clean green economy, away from polluting fossil fuels. Organized in solidarity with the global #FossilFree movement. Although #CreateForClimateSG is over, its ambitions are being continued by #350Singapore. Join the movement: https://www.350sg.org/